Tips To Take Care Of Skin In The Fall
The days go by and with it we begin to get closer to the end of this amazing summer and start welcoming autumn. Each season of the year has different risk factors for our skin and it is necessary to take the right steps to continue showing off a radiant, healthy and protected skin.
High exposure to heat reduces and temperatures begin to drop but that does not mean that we should stop using certain products: such as sunscreen and neglect our skin. Rather, it is the perfect time to make that transition that our skin needs according to the state it is in.
Read on to find out how you should take care of your skin this coming fall.
Focus on hydration
Our skin is usually more prone to dehydration during the fall and winter because we do not sweat as much as in hot seasons. It is best to include vitamin C in your routine at this time to prevent oxidation and restore luminosity to the skin. Additionally, try using products that include hyaluronic acid, ceramides and urea to ensure that your skin tissue maintains elasticity and hydration that is usually lost in this season.
Don’t forget SPF
As we mentioned before, the fact that we are less exposed to the sun in autumn does not mean that we should keep our sunscreen in our cabinet and take it out again the next summer. Rather, sunscreen should be used year-round and reapplied every 2-3 hours. There are two types of UV rays, which are UVB and UVA: UVB are responsible for tanning and burns, while UVA rays do not burn or redden the skin, but are responsible for skin aging, intolerance to the sun (skin allergies) and hyperpigmentation.
Try different textures
The consumption of cosmetic forms must also change in this new season. Usually we will go from the use of light textures such as gel or creams to the use of richer and thicker textures such as oils that provide us with more intense hydration.
Pamper your eyes and lips
As temperatures drop, it is very common for the eye and lip area to be affected by weather conditions. While out in the sun it is common for us to squint or make more facial expressions to protect our eyes from sunlight, which can cause premature wrinkles. We can prevent them by using an eye contour cream, whether you use it in the morning or at night, or it can be applied in these two parts of the day. The same goes for our lips. Include an oil or lip mask to take care of hydration.
Avoid products that cause irritation
If you constantly do peelings or use products that contain ingredients such as glycolic acid, it is better not to overdo them this season, as they can damage the skin barrier causing loss of hydration and irritation.
Don't neglect the rest of your body
Remember to hydrate the rest of your body including a body cream or lotion to hydrate these areas. Remember that having a skin care routine will help keep your skin healthy, help you feel good and look radiant for this coming fall.